Silver Circle Distillery Unauthorised Expansion Refused

Silver Circle Distillery, Catbrook near Tintern in the Wye Valley AONB

  • Unauthorised expansion since May 2021
  • Retrospective planning application to Monmouthshire County Council (MCC) refused July 2022 and enforcement notice issued
  • Appeal to Planning & Environment Decisions Wales (PEDW) dismissed November 2023 and enforcement notice upheld

In November 2023 PEDW stated enforcement notice must be complied with by end of May 2024

The requirements of the Enforcement Notice were

  1. The industrial (B2) use of the larger barn (as highlighted in green in Appendix 1) shall cease. Both barns still being used for non-agricultural purposes as of September 22nd 2024
  2. Cease the industrial (B2) use of all land outside of the buildings within the area edged in brown. Land outside buildings still being used for non-agricultural purposes as of September 22nd 2024
  3. The unauthorised hardstanding (as highlighted in blue in Appendix 1) shall be removed in its entirety, with all debris removed from the site, and the land restored to its former condition prior to the unauthorised works. Unauthorised hardstanding still present and no restorative work has been done as of September 22nd 2024

Retrospective application DM/2022/00048 refused by MCC for the following reasons

Silver Circle Distillery Catbrook Retrospective Planning Refusal Notice
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